Hello sir and madam in Christ !!! May God bless you, to fight against poverty and banking exclusion We are a Christian organization in association with other countries in Europe for the improvement and strengthening of services for communities; to give funding for funding for useful solidarity purposes in 112 countries, of which your country is part of this project. The program is intended for vulnerable people of all categories, project managers: agrifood engineer, craftsmen, teaching executives, beauty & ready -to -wear - restaurants - garden center - pet store - health professionals, manager manager, deputy, breeders , Minister, childcare centers, municipal advisers etc ... and will be attributed to a limited number this year. In accordance with the instructions of this organization in collaboration with the company Nord-Française. Please complete the project information: Nouns : ……………… First names: …………… Department:……………………………… Street / Number *:……………………………… :……… Date and place of birth :…………… City : …………… Country : …………… Postal code :………… Fixed / mobile phone: ………… / ……… Occupation : ………… Solidarity background of how much: …………… € Investment project ………… For the constitution of your file, we would need: - your identity card or passport or an extract of a birth certificate in validity run - a small format identity photo. Ms. Kathy Szeliga, Email: comiteaidesocial@gmail.com Saône-et-Loire Change 71085 Address: 9t boulevard Nicolas Oresme Pays France Cordially
E-mail: comiteaidesocial@gmail.com | Phone: +337 809 495 560
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